Product Owner

Product Owner

Jaunesnysis (1-2 metų patirtis)
Vilnius, Lietuva 1200 €/Mėn. Dirbu

Patirtis Sektoriuje

E-Komercija, Reklamos, Telekomunikacijos


Tik Vilnius
Atlygio Rėžiai (po mokesčių)
Darbas Projekte: 13 €/h,
Pastovus darbas: 1200 €/Mėn.
Darbinis statusas

Apie Mane

If I were to highlight key strength of my character, the first word that would pop into the mind would be communicative. Through  work  experience  I  developed  a  strong  sense  of  direct approach in resolving issues by trying to create a synergy in discussions.

Adding on to the strengths, curiosity is another worthy notice. Because of it I have never stopped learning new things. For instance, I found  myself  interested  in  marketing, advertising  and  communications,  that  is  why  I  am  now  studying master’s of international marketing  and  management.  Because  of  curiosity,  knowledge  seeking  and  passion  for innovations me and 3 friends of mine established a 3D printing startup called “” last year. This examples how that working in groups has never brought any hardships, in fact I encourage teamwork, but if necessary I can work individually and go an extra mile to ensure that the work is well done.

In presence of hard challenges there is a tendency of mine to think out of the box, generating new  ideas  and implementing  those  while  also  motivating  others  to  do  the  same.  As experience  times  after  times  showed,  that  this  kind  of  strategy  greatly  pays  off;  in  other words, gaining knowledge as well as new skills is of great importance to me.

Strategic mindset is a trait I am proud of too. As a result, my daily routine and my tasks are well planned and done in time while evaluating possible risks with action plans of to how prevent them. That is my personal way to remain goal - oriented individual.

Patirtis ir Įgūdžiai

Telekomunikacijos 3-4 metai Reklamos 2-3 metai eKomercija 1-2 metai Prekyba iki metų
Lietuvių Gimtoji Anglų Proficient Business Level (C1/C2)
Really Good Person :) 5-6 metai Product Owner 1-2 metai Project Coordinator 1-2 metai Testuotojas(-a) iki metų
Narystės ir Nuolaidos + + + Karjeros Vartai + + + Įkvepiantys Vadovai + + + Neįveikiama Komanda + + + Išskirtiniai Projektai + + + Culture of Experiments + + HIGH-TECH darbo priemonės + + Modernus Biuras + + Profesionalūs Mokymai + + Nauja Vieta ir Kelionės + +
Vidurinė mokykla Gautas diplomas

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