Software engineer and developer

Software engineer and developer

Ekspertas (+10 metų patirtis)

Dirbu |
Didžiausia patirtis: Java 8

Patirtis Sektoriuje

Bankas ir Finansai, Telekomunikacijos, IT Įmonė



Tik Tėvynėje

Darbinis statusas

Dirbu (Atnaujinta: Prieš 3 metus)

Apie Mane

I'm a full stack lead developer. I'm certified Restful APIs designer and microservices engineer able to design microservices architecture. I've experience working with these technologies - Java, Angular, ReactJs, NodeJs, Oracle Pl/sql and others. I'm professional so I do prefer to work in a team with other IT professionals or seeking to become one of them. My priorities for successfully working:

1. A team is the main factor of project success. The members should work harmoniously like friends, theirs should support and understand each other at work.

2. Constantly adopting the new technologies are crucial for moving towards a company success.

3. The process of work should be good defined and clarified in order to avoid mistakes in a project.

Patirtis ir Įgūdžiai

Java 8 virš 6 metų
RESTful 3-4 metai
Angular 9.x 1-2 metai