Cloud architect/Senior DevOps

Cloud architect/Senior DevOps

Ekspertas (+10 metų patirtis)
33% atsakoma į užklausas
7000 €/Mėn. Dirbu

Didžiausia patirtis

Automation | Systems administration | Solution Architecture | Deployment | Enterprise Architecture | Linux Servers

Patirtis Sektoriuje

IT Įmonė, Bankas ir Finansai


Tik Europos Sąjungoje
Atlygio Rėžiai (po mokesčių)
Darbas Projekte: 45 €/h,
Pastovus darbas: 7000 €/Mėn.
Darbinis statusas

Apie Mane

Automation driven DevOps Profesional/Cloud architect offering over 13 years of experience providing technical support, infrastructure and software design, automated solutions to clients utilizing an array of technology and software programs. Certified Amazon Web Services DevOps, adept at designing processes and leading teams in achieving excellence in automation, productivity, and profitability.

Throughout my whole IT career I have worked with many different technologies. Started with few physical servers with Windows and Linux, moved to VMware virtualization with thousands of virtual servers. Last few years I am working with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Started with moving on-premise solutions to Amazon. After seeing how Amazon Web Services can improve products availability, security, cost management, automation of deployment, I have fell in love with it. I have created multiple projects where all infrastructure, deployment and testing are done automatically, work closely with developers to help them implement new managed services that Amazon Web Services provide. Convinced one project to rewrite their application to leverage "serverless" AWS model which reduced infrastructure cost at least 20 times at the same time achieving automatic scaling to support millions of incoming connections.

There is loads of things I could tell you what I have done. I have worked with so many technologies, that it would be best just to contact me, describe your situation and I will help you find best solution that fits your needs.

Patirtis ir Įgūdžiai

Power Shell 5-6 metai Cloud 5-6 metai
Automation virš 6 metų Systems administration virš 6 metų Solution Architecture virš 6 metų Deployment virš 6 metų Enterprise Architecture virš 6 metų Cloud computing 5-6 metai Network Architecture 5-6 metai DevOps 5-6 metai Infrastructure Architecture 5-6 metai SaaS (Software as a Service) 4-5 metai
Linux Servers virš 6 metų Virtualization 5-6 metai Active Directory 5-6 metai Core Network 5-6 metai Windows Servers 5-6 metai
Amazon Web Services 5-6 metai
Jenkins 3-4 metai Jira 3-4 metai Git 2-3 metai
CI (Continuous Integration) 5-6 metai Continuous Delivery 5-6 metai ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) 5-6 metai Agile 5-6 metai Scrum 4-5 metai Kanban 2-3 metai
Cloud Architect 5-6 metai
Lietuvių Gimtoji Rusų Опытный Пользователь (C1/C2) Anglų Proficient Business Level (C1/C2)

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