Freelance web developer

Freelance web developer

Ekspertas (+10 metų patirtis)
50% atsakoma į užklausas
Vilnius, Lietuva 3500 €/Mėn. Atvira(-a) pasiūlymui

Didžiausia patirtis

WordPress | Red Hat | Ajax | MySQL | CSS3 | Bootstrap | JSon | XML | HTML5 | SOAP | Linux | Ubuntu | Magento | Git | Zend | Joomla | JavaScript | JQuery | Nginx | PHP | LESS | Memcached | Subversion | IntelliJ IDEA | NetBeans | PrestaShop | Open Cart | Performance Testing | HTML | Linux/Unix Admin | Flash | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Indesign | Avid | Adobe Creative Suite | Configuration Management | IT Service Management | Interaction/Graphic Design | UI Design | Linux Servers | Linux Install & Support | Firewalls | Network Security | VMWare | System Tunning | Test Case Design | Digital Design | Conceptual design | Windows | Web Design | Branding | Administration

Patirtis Sektoriuje

Reklamos, IT Įmonė, Gamyba, E-Komercija


Tik Nuotoliniu būdu
Atlygio Rėžiai (po mokesčių)
Darbas Projekte: 25 €/h,
Pastovus darbas: 3500 €/Mėn.
Darbinis statusas
Atvira(-a) pasiūlymui

Apie Mane

A highly experience with PHP, MySQL, AJAX, JavaScript (jQuery), HTML, CSS, Bootstrap. Experience with object-oriented software development methodologies. Experience with framework like Laravel, Zend and CMS Magento, Prestashop, Joomla, OpenCart over 10 years. I have used Git. Integrating new technologies into web properties like a payment, import, xml web services, api, facebook. I am familiar with the Google Maps API primers. Always pursue perfection. I try to set goals and implement it. I try to work out a qualitatively and timely manner. I am punctual, thorough, intensive innovation friendly. Do you like to work with the team, because the communication work makes it faster to solve problems and promote development. Always seek to work with the latest technology, so that I can move forward and keep up in the past, but do not forget the old, good methods.
Deploying new hardware, server backups & evaluating new software & security risks. Involved in the roll-out of software updates and patches. Knowledge and experience of IT operating systems including Microsoft Windows client operating systems, XP, Vista / Windows & Microsoft Office, and Linux.
Web server (include control panel) install and optimization for best cms performance.

Patirtis ir Įgūdžiai

WordPress 5-6 metai Magento 5-6 metai Zend 5-6 metai Joomla 5-6 metai PrestaShop 5-6 metai Open Cart 5-6 metai Drupal 2-3 metai Symfony 2-3 metai Laravel 2-3 metai CodeIgniter 2-3 metai
Red Hat 5-6 metai Linux 5-6 metai Ubuntu 5-6 metai Linux/Unix Admin 5-6 metai Shell Scripting 4-5 metai
Ajax 5-6 metai CSS3 5-6 metai Bootstrap 5-6 metai JSon 5-6 metai XML 5-6 metai HTML5 5-6 metai SOAP 5-6 metai Nginx 5-6 metai LESS 5-6 metai HTML 5-6 metai Flash 5-6 metai
MySQL 5-6 metai Redis 4-5 metai
Git 5-6 metai Memcached 5-6 metai Subversion 5-6 metai IntelliJ IDEA 5-6 metai NetBeans 5-6 metai
JavaScript 5-6 metai PHP 5-6 metai
JQuery 5-6 metai
Performance Testing 5-6 metai Test Case Design 5-6 metai Integration Test 4-5 metai
Adobe Photoshop 5-6 metai Adobe Illustrator 5-6 metai Adobe Indesign 5-6 metai Avid 5-6 metai Adobe Creative Suite 5-6 metai Interaction/Graphic Design 5-6 metai UI Design 5-6 metai Digital Design 5-6 metai Conceptual design 5-6 metai Web Design 5-6 metai Branding 5-6 metai
Configuration Management 5-6 metai IT Service Management 5-6 metai
Linux Servers 5-6 metai Linux Install & Support 5-6 metai Firewalls 5-6 metai Network Security 5-6 metai VMWare 5-6 metai System Tunning 5-6 metai
Windows 5-6 metai Administration 5-6 metai
ElasticSearch 4-5 metai
Programuotojas(-a) 5-6 metai Dizaineris(-ė) 5-6 metai Asistentas(-ė) 5-6 metai Really Good Person :) 5-6 metai Test Manager 5-6 metai Helpdesk & IT Support 5-6 metai
Reklamos 5-6 metai eKomercija 5-6 metai
Nauja Vieta ir Kelionės + + + Culture of Experiments + + + Išskirtiniai Projektai + + Neįveikiama Komanda + + Modernus Biuras + + Narystės ir Nuolaidos + +
Lietuvių Gimtoji Rusų Опытный Пользователь (C1/C2) Anglų Independent User (B1/B2) Lenkų Niezależny Użytkownik (B1/B2) Vokiečių Einfacher Benutzer (A1/A2)

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