IT architect, cloud architect
Didžiausia patirtis
Patirtis Sektoriuje
- Vietovė
- Tik Europos Sąjungoje
- Atlygio Rėžiai (po mokesčių)
Darbas Projekte:
60 €/h,
Pastovus darbas: 2000 €/Mėn.
- Darbinis statusas
Atvira(-a) pasiūlymui
Apie Mane
I have extensive experience in information technology and information systems. In my work
I took part in Information systems design, development of Information systems,
maintenance and implementation of hardware (from mainframes to various RISC and Intel
servers and PC's) and software (system and applications). I am familiar with almost all
operating systems - MVS, AIX, OS/2, Windows, Linux (Redhat, CentOS, Ubuntu, Suse), i
have experience in collaboration software and groupware, i have knowledge of databases,
firewalls, risk management, access management tools and hypervisors - Esx and KVM.
Wide IT infrastructure experience enable me to use any heterogeneous environment and
let me easy to create IT infrastructure design, choose necessary software and hardware,
deploy it and manage. I can also create and implement security policy and procedures. I
know the way to make total IT infrastructure visible, manageable and secure.
Today, i prioritize Cloud computing area. Regardless of the fact that i already have
theoretical and practical skills in Cloud computing, i continue investigations in this area. I
know well classification of Cloud computing solutions, features, requirements for different
models, i understand and i can motivate what model and when to use. After at least five
years dedicated to cloud computing investigations i have my own vision on cloud
computing development. I have practical experience in cloud solutions deployment.
After at least five years dedicated to cloud computing investigations i have my own vision
on cloud computing development. I know the way to go in case to make cloud attractive,
understandable and easy to use for any consumer – with and without IT background as
well. The current stage of cloud computing development shows an obvious cloud
computing serviceorientation to a service provider, rather than the recipient. Everything is
made to manage the systems in an easy way, but very little attention is paid to the use.
Let's not forget that the success of any system primarily depends on the user. My vision is
user oriented systems.
I also have analytic and research skills and i can use these skills for systems architect tasks
to perform. In my work i prefer to start all projects from WHITEBOARD and only after deep
understanding customer business needs. The main goal i see - is to provide adequate and
high quality IT services to supporting enterprise business needs.