Senior PHP Developer
Didžiausia patirtis
Patirtis Sektoriuje
- Vietovė
- Tik Nuotoliniu būdu
- Atlygio Rėžiai (po mokesčių)
Darbas Projekte:
20 €/h,
Pastovus darbas: 2500 €/Mėn.
- Darbinis statusas
Atvira(-a) pasiūlymui
Apie Mane
Gained more than 11 years of experience in the field of software development and network administration, especially for tourism and real estate industries.
Experience in team working to create software systems administration, internal operations of large enterprises.
Creation of sites of medium and high complexity on different frameworks and content management systems.
Working with projects with high load, both server and client technologies, version control systems.
Experience in web server configuration.
Programming languages: PHP5-7, JavaScript, ES6, FORTRAN, C, C++.
Databases: MySQL, Postgresql, MongoDb.
Frameworks: Zend Framework, Symfony2, Laravel, Phalcon, Yii, Silex, Express, Codeigniter, Drupal.
CMS: MODx, Drupal, Joomla!, Wordpress.
Technology: html, css, less, scss, Smarty, Twig, Blade, Jquery, ajax, bootstrap, doctrine2, xml, xslt, apache 2(installation and configuration), nginx, git, svn, ssh, linux, memcache, Elasticsearch, Beanstalk, Sphinx, phpStorm, xdebug, node.js, Backbone, Angular, Marionette, Chaplin, Meteor.js.