Key experience
Sector Background
- Location
- Vilnius only
- Rate expectations
Project assignment:
10 €/h,
Full time position: 1400 €/month
- Current status
Personal Statement
I studied Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, a program which includes many IT subjects. It was always appealing for me, because I see programming like solving a puzzle - it is challenging, requires attention to detail, thinking about all possible sollutions and preventing mistakes. After finishing university I was working in finance: audit (2 years) and banking (1 year in risk analysis). After these experiences I realised I would prefer working as an analyst in IT, because I like working with data and the part of my job which requires IT skills is the most enjoyable for me. I have experience with SQL (Oracle), MS Excel (including VBA programming), MS Access and would appreciate the chance to learn more. I am motivated and can prove that I am willing to learn and be a valuable team member.