Full-Stack Software Engineer

Full-Stack Software Engineer

jaunais speciālists (1-2 gadu pieredze)
Palanga, Lietuva 2000 €/mēnesī Pieejams tagad

Būtiskākā pieredze

MySQL | Java SE | Java EE

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

Tehnoloģiju jaunuzņēmums


Atrašanās vieta
Attālināti only
Vēlamā likme
Projekta uzdevums: 13 €/h,
Štata darbinieks: 2000 €/mēnesī
Pašreizējais statuss
Pieejams tagad

Sevis apraksts

I can work directly with customers and interesting people. I have teamwork experience as well I am able to plan work and assignment time and have clear written knowledge wo I can formulate and Based decision and I am able to work well and

assume responsibility for the quality of my work

Prasmju kopums

MySQL 2-3 years
Java SE 2-3 years Java EE 2-3 years Spring 1-2 years
Android 1-2 years
JavaScript 1-2 years

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